Laramie County School District#1 Superintendent Margaret Crespo is declining comment on why a school bus was stopped last night and a substitute driver was sent to drive the bus.

In a statement, Crespo says the reason for the stop is a personnel matter that the district can't comment on.

Here is the statement Crespo issued this morning:

At Laramie County School District 1 student safety is our priority. In every instance, while we have students in our care and a situation occurs, we will act first to ensure our kids remain safe. After this occurs, we switch to communication mode.

Please know, we will never get ahead of social media in our efforts to get messages and information out to the public.

Last night’s incident is a prime example. Yesterday evening during an East High and South High activities trip to Spearfish, South Dakota, an LCSD1 bus driver was pulled over for a traffic stop. As soon as administration was notified, we set to work on making sure that students were safe.

Activity sponsors ensured the students were warm and safe on the bus. These sponsors began to contact parents. During this time, students with cell phones were also in contact with their parents. A substitute driver was immediately dispatched to the location.

Once we confirmed students were safe, we posted information on social media and sent out formal communication from the schools to parents and guardians.

Since this is a personnel issue, we cannot comment regarding the nature of the traffic stop. However, we will follow board policy as it pertains to this situation. Additionally, we will be readdressing the importance of student safety with all of our transportation personnel.


Here is the original statement the district issued on Facebook last night:

This evening during an East High and South High activities trip to Spearfish, South Dakota, an LCSD1 bus driver was pulled over for a traffic stop. Per protocol, a substitute driver is on the way and our students remain safe.

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