Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
10 Dogs Getting Their Groove On
It seems like every day we discover yet another reason to reaffirm the awesomeness of our four-legged friends. For one thing, dogs are super troopers when it comes to our embarrassing Facebook antics.
10 Cats Stuck in Things
Cats are funny little creatures. Some like dressing up in reindeer antlers while others bask in the grumpy glory of fame. It doesn't matter what kind of feline we come across-- we're always big fans of the furballs. However, there is one type of kitty that tops our list of favorites: the kind that gets stuck in things.
18 Mesmerizing Nature GIFs
We've rounded up 18 GIFs that'll have a similar effect. Think of it as your daily dose of Mother nature.
11 Hilariously Revealing Search Histories
Where would we be without search engines? With so much info at our fingertips, chances are eliminating a site like Google would make the world implode into confusion. And while our dependence on technology might be a little crazy at times, there is an upside to it all-- search engine histories reveal a lot of hilarious stuff about people.
10 Creative Uses of Snapchat
Snapchat is a clever little app. It basically lets people add captions and draw all over pictures then send 'em to fellow Snapchatters. There are plenty of times this could (and does) get sorta weird, but there are also really clever users who go the creatively funny route.
14 First World Problems Created By iOS 7
Whether you're an iPhone fan or not, you're probably well aware iOS 7 was released yesterday. For all non-users, this basically means the phone's software was amped up a bit, which sounds like it'd be totally cool, but as soon as people could download it, Twitter exploded with complaints.
13 Hilarious Netflix Fails
If you're part of the amazing world that is Netflix, you know there's a handy little recommendation feature. Basically, Netflix suggests programs based off what you've previously watched, and it's spot on most of the time. However, there are some instances where things get a little wacked out.
11 Hilariously Creative Homework Responses
Back-to-school season is well underway, which also means homework is once again a reality. Ugh, major bummer. But when you're a youngster, homework isn't all that bad! That's because kids make it way less boring by being straight up and honest (read: hilarious).
10 Completely Unnecessary Signs
Signs are usually important. Well, besides the confusing sort or the total fails. But even those serve to share notable information with fellow citizens, or at least attempt to do so. But there are the select few signs that are unnecessary. Like, really unnecessary.
11 Kids Who’ve Had Enough of Their Parents’ Nonsense
We know parents love their kids. They want what's best for them. But sometimes, mom and dad can be super annoying, and munchkins have no problem letting 'em know.
10 Animals Caught in Adorable Sneezing Fits
Sneezing is weird. Sometimes it can be funny to us humans, but it mostly just makes us look really funny. When animals sneeze, however, it's a whole 'lotta cute!
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
With Labor Day just over a week away, it's time to face the facts-- summer is coming to an end way too soon. But even though we won't be able to wipe out on Slip n' Slides too much longer, there are still tons of awesome things we can look foward to in the Fall, and apparently dogs are so ready for it.