Heidi Foy

CNFR Fashion Show Raises $14,000 For Scholarships
Saturday is a big day for the CNFR. Not only is it the day of the finals, but it is the annual Style Show, a fundraiser for the NIRA Foundation. The Foundation raises money for scholarships, but also raises money for injured athletes. This would have been what I would have needed it for...
Alumni Night At The CNFR
Every year, Friday night at the CNFR, is Alumni Night. You can imagine, with just almost 65 CNFR's in the bag, there are a lot of alumni. Of course, I, myself would be considered an alumni. I count myself lucky to be able to still be involved even though I am not rodeoing any longer...

A Look At The Award Winning CNFR Staff
This morning on the Brian Scott show we had an opporutnity to hear Boyd tell us a little about, not only the caliber of cowboys and cowgirls, the rough stock animals, but also some of the staff. Aside from Boyd's credentials and awards, we are lucky enough to have Dusty Tuckness, a NFR bull fighter of the year, as well as Justin Rumford, the reigning rodeo clown of the year...

How The Story Of The CNFR Is Spread
Throughout the week the media coverage of the CNFR has been outstanding. Each year, and for the past 17 years, there has been several people to thank for this. Susan Kanode, the media guru, has been promoting the sport of rodeo both professional and college level for many years...

Behind The Scenes At The CNFR
Since being on the “production” end of rodeo I have learned a lot about the other side of the roping box. Typically a side that most contestants never have an interest in or never get the opportunity to be involved with. Even though I had helped put on our high school rodeo and had even watched my dad put on the WRA Finals in the Event Center for years, I never realized what exactly went into c

CNFR Softball Is A Wrap
As I was headed up to the Event Center this afternoon for Openings Rehearsal I noticed a parking lot full of trucks at Crossroads softball fields. Quickly, I flipped a "U"- I mean, I turned at the next available turn so I could go back and check it out...

Volunteers Make The CNFR Run
Throughout the week of the CNFR, and the week before too, there are a lot of people that come together to make this all happen. Of course there are the usual suspects; the staff of the City of Casper and the County, the staff of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, and the staff of each vendor booth...

CNFR Scholarship Banquet Returns
Last night I had the distinct privilege of attending the CNFR Scholarship Awards Banquet. Many years ago this was a coveted event brought to us by a national sponsor. When that sponsor decided to pull their money the banquet also disappeared...

Students Help Sculpt The CNFR
This morning we had a brief conversation with Billy Bob Brown, a student at Tarleton State University and a Regional Director, and a TWO event qualifier to the CNFR. That is a lot for any kids' resume, let alone one out to win a National Title...

What Is A Slack Round In Rodeo?
This week, especially today and tomorrow, you will hear mention of the “slack round” at the CNFR. It does not mean that the contestants slack off when they go, it is not a practice and it certainly carries just as much weight towards winning a National Championship as the evening performances that will start tomorrow evening...