Jordan Breindel

Patriotic American Movies – 10 Films That Honor the USA
For all the industries that have been shipped overseas, America is still the entertainment capital of the world. And what better way to celebrate our great nation than with one of its greatest exports?In honor of the Fourth of July, here are 10 patriotic classics that are sure to turn the silver screen red, whi...

The Biggest Fireworks Displays Across the Country
Forget about the dawn's early light, this Fourth of July is all about the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air and maybe even a couple of spiders. Those are the ones that, well, look kind of like a spider, anyway.
In honor of the Fourth, here are 10 great fireworks displays throughout the country. If your
![Friskies Makes iPad Apps for Cats [VIDEOS]](
Friskies Makes iPad Apps for Cats [VIDEOS]
Given how popular cats are on the internet, it’s no surprise that Friskies — makers of delicious cat food (or so our cats tell us) for over 50 years — recently rolled out a line of tablet-based apps just for cats. Featuring movements, shapes and colors tailored to appeal to kitty’s sensibilities, your feline friend can now download titles like ‘Cat Fishing’ ‘Tasty Treasures Hunt’ and ‘Party Mix-Up
![10 Adorable Kids Singing ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ [VIDEOS]](
10 Adorable Kids Singing ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ [VIDEOS]
For a professional singer, there are few gaffes more embarrassing than flubbing a line from 'The Star Spangled Banner.' (Are you listening, Christina Aguilera?) But when these pint-sized patriots get caught up on the lyrics, well, it's just flat-out adorable. The more mess

10 America-Themed Songs for the Fourth of July
American popular music has been around since before America even declared its independence. ‘Yankee Doodle,’ anyone? That classic was sung by Colonial American soldiers as early as The French and Indian War.
Since then, our country has established one of the richest musical traditions in the world. Many songs even deal with America itself, from ‘God Bless America’ to ‘God Bless the USA.’
Here’s a

Red White and Blue Recipes: How to Plan a Tasty Fourth of July
Our founding fathers weren’t messing around when they decided on red, white and blue. When it comes to planning a Fourth of July menu, neither should you. Three colors are more than enough to plan a five-star meal.
Below, check out some delicious recipes to help you celebrate our nation’s birthday in style.
![World’s Ugliest Dog Winner Falls Off Stage [VIDEO]](
World’s Ugliest Dog Winner Falls Off Stage [VIDEO]
When a Chihuahua named Yoda took the stage, she was just the latest pup to win the title of World’s Ugliest Dog. But when she accidentally fell off, she tumbled headlong into an elite class of celebrity — those who have been caught on video taking a spill on stage, including megastars Rihanna, Beyoncé, Keith Urban and Justin Bieber. Luckily, Yoda was unharmed by the fall.

Popsicles Shaped Like Marilyn Monroe, Darth Vader and Other Famous Faces
The double popsicle? Tired. Gourmet popsicles? So last summer. Right now, we’re all about this new line of incredibly detailed, pop culture-themed popsicles from Russian ad agency Stoyn, depicting ten iconic cultural figures from throughout the world — everyone from Che Guevara to Marilyn Monroe to Russian Futurist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
![Exercise Like a Horse With ‘Horsebic’ Fitness Routine [VIDEO]](
Exercise Like a Horse With ‘Horsebic’ Fitness Routine [VIDEO]
Have you ever seen an overweight horse? Of course you haven’t. Horses know how to stay in shape; it’s in their nature. Strange then, that with all the weight-loss programs and fad diets that have come and gone over the years, no one ever thought to create an exercise program based on horse fitness…until now. Enter Horsebic, a Finnish workout routine comprised of exercises like trotting, cantering

World’s Ugliest Ties – 10 Ties You Shouldn’t Buy Dad for Father’s Day
What makes a truly hideous tie? Is it the color? The shape? The presence of marine life? The truth is, there’s no one answer, which is why we’ve given you 10. It doesn’t matter how you knot it, ties don’t get much worse than this.
Check out 10 ties to avoid buying for Father’s Day.