Teri Landreth
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s Daughter Can Sing [VIDEO]
Like father, like mother, like daughter! The apple doesn't fall far from this tree, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's daughter Audrey shows that she too can sing!
Flipping Flapjacks at Last CFD Pancake Breakfast [VIDEO]
Friday’s the last CFD pancake breakfast,and not only has the eating’s been great, but learning how to “flip those flapjacks” has been a blast. Can you do it?
“Flipping Flapjacks” at CFD Pancake Breakfast ” [VIDEO]
The first Cheyenne Frontier Days Pancake Breakfast is here, and the Kiwanis are flipping up those cakes mid air ,but what’s IN the “flipping” of the pancakes?
Pay a Visit to CFD’s “Old Frontier.” [VIDEO]
You never know who you’re going to run into at the CFD Pancake Breakfast, and this past Monday, I ran into Wyoming Ranger Dutch McSween, who can be seen at Frontier Park's, “Old Frontier,”at Cheyenne Frontier Days.
What’s For Eats at Cheyenne Frontier Days? [VIDEO]
We've asked you if you only had one food to choose from at Cheyenne Frontier Days, what would it be? I investigated the food on the midway and there's a SLEW!
Tim McGraw “Swats” a Fan
As he gears up for his show at the "Daddy of em all" Saturday July 26th, Tim McGraw's facing new controversy ,over whether he slapped a woman who tried to grab him.
What ONE Food at Cheyenne Frontier Days Would You Choose?
“Food glorious food!” People not only look forward to rodeos, rides and concerts at Cheyenne Frontier Days, they also look forward to all of that “glorious food,” but which one?
Wyoming’s Chancey Williams, Younger Brothers Band Has New Video [VIDEO]
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Chancy Williams, and he truly is an extraordinary person with a passion for his music, and it shows in this new video!
‘The Voice’ Welcomes Cary Laine From Pinedale, Wyoming
Meet Cary Laine, a gal originally from Alabama, who moved to Pinedale, Wyoming about a year and a half ago. So what's so extraordinary about Carey...her voice, ON the Voice!
My Favorite Christmas Memory
Amazing how magical Christmas time can be as a child. Not only Christmas Day, but everything leading up to Christmas that was always so special, and some of my fondest memories of being almost 5 years old all revolve around Christmas.
Holiday Recipe Horseradish Sauce
I've been asking for recipes on how to cook a prime rib roast, and there's several that you have been so kind to give me. While I'm still looking at them all, one of our listeners, Debbie Smith gave me a prime rib recipe from food.com, that also included a recipe for homemade horseradish sauce, because after all, if you're going to have the prime rib, you've gotta have the horseradish sauce!
Top Things People Dread About Staying With Relatives Over The Holidays Include Fighting With Them
Are you jetting off somewhere to stay with relatives over the holidays? Many of you will be waking up on Christmas morning at someone else’s house, which can be a bit awkward, especially if you don’t know that relative very well, and you end up fighting with them!