Funniest Memes of the Week – Good Dog Greg, Presidential Debate, and More
It should come as no surprise that we have some great presidential debate memes for you this week. But we also have a lot more. We love cats, but some dog memes are always appreciated. And ‘Sudden Clarity Clarence’ has teamed up with ‘The Office’ to deliver some laughs as well.
‘Good Dog Greg’ is the pet you wish you could have, unless you like your animals a little bit morose, which is when adorably serious ‘Introspective Pug’ comes into play.
An excited young fan of the Republican candidate Romney looked a little too excited at a Denver Chipotle. Seriously, it’s a little scary. So what does the internet do? Photoshop his face on everyone else in the picture of course! This Photoshop even gets in on the ‘Romney versus Big Bird‘ fun.
Finally, ‘Sudden Clarity Clarence’ has a lot more to discuss with Dwight and Jim from ‘The Office’ than we ever would’ve thought. Check out all these memes and more below!
Good Dog Greg
Introspective Pug
Futurama Fry
Grandma Finds the Internet
Bad Luck Brian
Sudden Clarity Clarence