Hunting or Fishing? – Survey of the Day
Hunting and fishing have been a part of Wyoming life since people have been living on the land. Although they may not be a necessity any more, there are still many hunters and anglers in southeast Wyoming because it is such a great location for both.
While many people enjoy both hunting and fishing, the day still comes around every once in a while where a choice has to be made. So when it comes down to it and the option is there to either hunt or fish, which one do you choose?
We want to reward you just for answering this survey! Enter your answer to this poll, for your chance to win some great prizes like gift cards, DVDs, tickets and more!
Have a local “Survey of the Day” question you want to ask about? Let us know! Survey results will be ready one week after the survey start date on the Laramie Live Radio Show, so listen in to KOWB 1290 AM weekday mornings at 8:05 a.m.