After three and a half years, the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) has released the Final Rule Notice regarding the repurposing of inert decommissioned wind turbine blades and towers in Wyoming.

“It has been a long wait, but Wyoming is thrilled to finally see this innovative answer to the disposal needs of inert decommissioned wind turbine materials approved,” stated Todd Parfitt, Wyoming’s Director of the WDEQ.

Wyoming House Bill 0129 was approved in 2020, including rules and regulations to reclaim retired blades and towers as backfill in end-walls and final pit voids at surface coal mines.

“Repurposing these blades and towers as backfill as part of a reclamation plan was a novel answer for both the coal industry that needed backfill to accelerate final reclamation and for the wind industry that needed disposal answers. Rather than sit on the sideline, Wyoming, once again, is leading the nation in efforts to find solutions to challenging issues related to providing for energy needs by creating a bridge that benefits both the coal and alternative energy industries" said Kyle Wendtland, the Director of Fossil Fuel Development at Wyoming Energy Authority.

Brandi O’Brien, who was recently selected to be WDEQ/LQD Administrator said they are thrilled to be leading the way with this innovative solution and are pleased that the OSMRE has issued the final rule notice. "This will positively impact the energy sector in Wyoming, while continuing to protect the environment.”

The LQD partnered with the Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD) at WDEQ to ensure state standards would be met as the blades and towers would be used in reclamation in surface coal mines.

“Options to dispose of blades and towers are limited,” according to Suzanne Engels, SHWD Administrator. “Landfilling the retired blades and towers is unsustainable due to land limitations that are needed for communities’ waste. Stockpiling, which was becoming common and a growing issue, is an eyesore and problematic for the environment.”

The proposed amendments were received by OSMRE in June of 2021 and published in the Federal Register Notice on August 4, 2021, for comment.

It was then noted in the Federal Register, “The revised rules address several national, state, and local issues associated with wind energy generation, maintenance and upgrades as well as the resulting stockpile of decommissioned wind turbine blades.”

In response to the final approval of the required Program Amendment, published today, Jan. 13, by OSMRE, Parfitt said, "For Wyoming and the nation, this is an important step in finding solutions to the challenges within the diverse energy mix. We are very proud to be a part of this answer both in providing energy and protecting our environment."

Reading The Past - Chugwater Wyoming Newspaper

These pages of the old Chugwter Wyoming newspaper show us coverage of the region from back in the 1940s.

There was little local news, other than the war.

But what was published at the time was important to the people of the area.

It was, in most case, the only news they had from outside their little ranch or town.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

A Few Geat Wyoming Memes

Now and then a meme just nails what Wyoming is, or is not.

Here are a few of the best, currently out there.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods