A 2019 Fossil Dig In Wyoming Inspired A New Documentary
Pretty good chance you've seen one of the many Jurassic Park movies. From watching the movies or your research of dinosaurs, do you know what 'Jurassic' means?
From dictionary.com:
adjective: noting or pertaining to a period of the Mesozoic Epoch, occurring from 190 to 140 million years ago and characterized by an abundance of dinosaurs and the advent of birds and mammals.
noun : the Jurassic Period or System.
So, to simplify it, the Jurassic period; is the time when dinosaurs roamed places like Wyoming.
We speak highly of Wyoming's history since the 1800's, but the history of this part of the country is legendary and a top destination for scientists to do research.
In 2019, a team of international scientists that are part of 'Mission Jurassic' with the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, came to Wyoming for 10 weeks to do a major dig in the Bighorn Basin. The area they dug has been nicknamed, in the science world, Jurassic Mile.
According to a report from Buckrail.com, the exact area of the location of the dig was kept a secret to keep looters and the curious away. The report says the site is believed to be around 100 miles east of Yellowstone.
After the 2019 10 week dig, they were able to collect thousands of pounds of fossils and ship them back to the museum in Indianapolis. Once they arrived, the scientists began researching, documenting and preparing the findings.
Now, the BBC has released both parts of the 2 part series called 'Secrets of the Jurassic Dinosaurs', which documents the dig and the process that goes into such a large mission. Plus, they show you how delicate the dig is, what goes into preparing and how technology plays a big part in it.
If you or your kids are interested in dinosaurs, watching this will be right a great family experience.
These links will take you directly to the episodes
Wyoming Dinosaur Center
Thermopolis Wyoming has one of the most interesting and active dinosaur museums in the world. As they continued to make new finds in the area they put in on display, so you can discover and learn.
Let's have a look at some of what is on display.
Exploring the Royal Gorge Dinosaur Experience
The Royal Gorge Dinosaur Experience is a prehistoric Colorado adventure for families that love dinosaurs. Scroll through the images below to learn more about the experience to see if you think it's worth the trip and the money.