As part of a new program to address traffic safety concerns, the Cheyenne Police Department will be stepping up patrols on Gardenia Drive over the next two weeks.

According to a department Facebook post, the action is the first of the city’s new Critical Traffic Control Area (CTCA) program, which allows community members to petition for a review of safety concerns in the city.

"The goal of the CTCA program is to identify areas with unsafe or unlawful traffic speeds or other behaviors and to implement temporary remedial measures to address those behaviors," the post reads.

What is Happening?

Police say temporary signs have been installed along Gardenia Drive to ensure drivers are aware of the enforcement effort and radar feedback signs will alert drivers when they are speeding and be periodically active to collect real-time data on traffic patterns.

They say anyone caught speeding in the enforcement area will be fined double.

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What to Expect Over the Next 2 Weeks

Police say the city will continue to collect data while these measures are in place and then re-evaluate the data to decide whether to remove, extend, or make any of the actions permanent.

For more information about the CTCA program, click here.

Meet the Four-Legged Heroes of the Cheyenne Police Department

They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but make no bones about it, police dogs play a vital role in the fight against crime.

In many situations, they're the first ones to put their lives on the line to protect their human partners, proving that not all heroes wear capes, some wear fur coats.

Gallery Credit: Joy Greenwald