The Laramie Police DepartmentAlbany County Sheriff's Office, and possibly the University of Wyoming Police Department will be helping with law enforcement during Cheyenne Frontier Days 2024.

Extra officers from Torrington and Pine Bluffs will also be helping out, with those agencies expected to contribute perhaps two or three officers each, according to an official with the Laramie County Sheriff's Office.

Cheyenne's temporary population explodes during the 10-day rodeo/western culture celebration. Some estimates put the number of visitors at an average of around 550,000 for the ten-day event. While most of those folks are law-abiding citizens and many are families, that many extra people will inevitably mean more law enforcement calls. Factor in increased alcohol consumption, summer heat, and big increases in traffic on Cheyenne streets and it's not hard to see why extra law enforcement officers might be helpful.

Number Of Crimes Reported During CFD Varies From Year To Year

Cheyenne Police spokeswoman Alex Farkas, when asked on Thursday how much crime increase is typically seen during Cheyenne Frontier Days, said it varies from year to year. In terms of the types of issues that police most often deal with, Farkas said  ''Most offenses are related to drinking and driving and vehicle burglary. We encourage citizens to always plan for a safe ride home, and remember to keep vehicles locked with valuables removed.'' 

Aaron Veldheer with the Laramie County Sheriff's Office told Townsquare Media the exact number of officers and deputies coming over from Laramie has not yet been finalized. But he says he anticipates that it might be around four or five total from the Laramie Police Department, Albany County Sheriff's Office, and possibly the University of Wyoming Police Department.

Veldheeer also said the Sheriff's Office will have three deputies on the streets every night, and extra DUI cars will also be deployed depending on available manpower.

Veldheer said the cooperative DUI enforcement among all the agencies has been dubbed the "Dueces Wild DUI Task Force.

Laramie County Sheriff Brian Kozak was joined by representatives of the Wyoming Highway Patrol, Cheyenne Police Department, Albany County Sheriff's Office, and Laramie Police Department in a video urging CFD partygoers to find a sober driver during the Daddy of 'em All. You can see the video below.