Josh Kelley and his lovely Mrs., the actress Katherine Heigl already have a beloved 3 year old daught they adopted.  And now the couple says that another adoption is a definite possibility.


Katherine says that Josh had some concerns before they decided to adopt.  The couple had discussed having a biological child, but decided the first one would be an adoption.

In an interview with Scholastic's Parent & Child Magazine, had the couple had this to say:

Josh and I started talking about [adopting] before we were even engaged.   We have talked about having biological children as well, but we decided to adopt first ... I'd like to adopt again.

The little girl has a heart condition and that was obviously a concern for the couple.  However, in a really amazing twist, Josh's father is a heart surgeon and was able to look over the little girl's medical records and advise the couple on the state of her condition.

Josh paid tribute to his new daughter on his Georgia Clay album.  The cut, called Neilah Moon was finished just months after the adoption.

The couple was fully aware of the publicity and limelight that surround such a powerful and successful couple.  To that end, they decided that they would relocate somewhere quiet where there wasn't so much scrutiny and disruption.  They now live quietly in Utah.

I have adopted kids in my own extended family and I can tell you from personal observations that adoptive parents are sometimes even more focused and dedicated to their children than most parents.  It is a unique and beautiful bond and I can't help but be impressed with Josh and Katherine and if they should decide to adopt again, I wish them nothing but love and happiness and a full house.

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