March Blizzard Left A 1,000-Foot-Long Snowdrift On Wyoming Highway
How long does it take to plow a 1,000-foot-long snowdrift? For the Wyoming Department of Transportation, the answer is six hours.
WYDOT District 2 area maintenance supervisor Van Frazier revealed some incredible facts about the clean-up efforts following Winter Storm Ulmer, which rolled through the state on March 13th.
"We had a snowdrift that was 1,000 feet long and 5 feet deep on WYO 387 that blocked the entire road on a three-lane super at milepost 127,” Frazier told County 10. “It took about six hours, five plow trucks and a motor grader to get this drift moved so we could get the road open.”
That massive snowdrift near Pine Tree Junction in southwest Cambell County was the longest in Wyoming, but it wasn't the deepest. WYDOT crews encountered another epic obstacle in eastern Laramie County off of Interstate 80 near the town of Egbert where a 10-foot drift blocked an entire Highway underpass.