Shoshone National Forest Releases Scoping Notice
The Shoshone National Forest has released a notice of proposed action for mountain bike trails that will greatly impact the ability of bikers to ride a mountain bike in the forest.
The Shoshone National Forest is accepting comments about the proposed action until Jan. 12.
Tim Young, executive director of Wyoming Pathways, said the proposal is the first step, or the scoping step, as mandated by the National Environmental Planning Act.
“The Forest Service has identified a problem or an issue, and the scoping step is the first step in deciding what to do about that issue,” Young said. “This is an opportunity for the public to comment and to help them make the right decisions.”
The proposal would add approximately 35 miles of trails spread over four Ranger Districts to the official Shoshone trail system. The proposal also includes restricting mountain bikes to system trails throughout the forest and closing all non-system trails to mountain biking.
Commenters can submit their comments to Olga Troxel, Resource Advisory Committee coordinator for the Shoshone National Forest Service.