Just when you thought the WyoLotto's Wyoming-centric game, Cowboy Draw, couldn't get any bigger, it is on the rise again. The new record breaking jackpot is estimated at $3,470,000!
The jackpot for the WyoLotto, Wyoming-centric game, Cowboy Draw keeps rising. The current estimated jackpot is $3,400,000, which is the new record breaking high.
The Wyoming-centric WyoLotto game, Cowboy Draw, has a current estimated jackpot of $3,315,000, which is the highest it has ever been in the history of the game.
Lottery officials say the Saenz's are the fourth Cowboy Draw Jackpot winners this year and 29th jackpot winners since the inception of the contest in 2015.
The WyoLotto, Wyoming-centric game, Cowboy Draw, has been on a constant rise since the beginning of the new year. The jackpot is now at an estimated $900,000!
Starting today (January 18th, 2021), if you have non-winning lottery tickets, you will get a second chance to win $1000 a piece, for a total of up to $4000.