Laramie Police Plan “Skill Games” Removal Following AG’s RulingLaramie Police Plan “Skill Games” Removal Following AG’s RulingIn response to the recent ruling on electronic skill games in the state, Laramie Police say they will be attempting to bring local businesses up to code soon.Matt DiffieMatt Diffie
Laramie Police Chief: Heroin is the 'Drug of Choice' [VIDEO]Laramie Police Chief: Heroin is the 'Drug of Choice' [VIDEO]Stalder says he thinks Laramie has seen an increase in cases involving not only heroin, but also synthetic drugs. Nick LearnedNick Learned
Laramie Police Chief on Texting Ban Enforcement [VIDEO]Laramie Police Chief on Texting Ban Enforcement [VIDEO]The City ordinance also bans dialing a phone while driving, which Stalder says will be considered a primary offense along with texting while driving.Nick LearnedNick Learned