EPA: Hydraulic Fracturing May Pose Risk To Drinking WaterEPA: Hydraulic Fracturing May Pose Risk To Drinking WaterGaps in the data limited the EPA’s ability to fully assess the potential impacts or their severity on drinking water resources locally and nationally.Tom MortonTom Morton
Fracking Blamed as River Becomes FlammableFracking Blamed as River Becomes FlammableA local politician as well as many other environmentalists are blaming the nearby fracking for coal seam gas for the methane being released into the river.Rodeo RickRodeo Rick
U.S. House to Consider Public Land Grab BillsU.S. House to Consider Public Land Grab BillsThe U.S. House is considering legislation to allow states to seize national forest land for drilling and logging without federal oversight.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald