The survey finds that of Wyomingites supporting Trump, just over 80 percent of them agree with the ban. Only 8 percent of people supporting Clinton support the ban.
Regarding the mailers, however, Stein said the advertisements sent out bearing the name 'Women Lead Wyoming' did not meet the requirements set by state law.
The survey, conducted by UW's Department of Political Science in partnership with the Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center, has been repeated before every general election since 1972.
With mere days until the actual 2016 presidential election, we decided to do a mock election, just to see if our results will match up with the real thing.
Greene says after three weeks of phone calls and email requests, Micheli called on Thursday to say Cheney would not be participating in the one-on-one debates.
Greene emphasizes that Wyomingites, with just one representative in the U.S. House, have to be realistic about what they can and can't get done in Congress. But he says that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of work to be done.
Gonzales says the low turnout in Albany County seems to stem more from a lack of interest than anything else, but she's hopeful that there will be many more Albany County ballots to count in November.