Tennessee Cemetery Has a Creepy Mountain Dew HeadstoneTennessee Cemetery Has a Creepy Mountain Dew HeadstoneTourists are visiting a Johnson City, Tennessee cemetery to see this unique gravesite complete with a bottle opener. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Red Lobster to Serve Mountain Dew Margaritas? Yes, Please!Red Lobster to Serve Mountain Dew Margaritas? Yes, Please!Come for the Cheddar Bay Biscuits and stay for the Mountain Dew Margaritas at Red Lobster!JaxJax
Mountain Dew Flavored Doritos Are Very RealMountain Dew Flavored Doritos Are Very RealHaven't you ever wanted some Mountain Dew Doritos for your quarantine? Notice how there's no "&" between 'Mountain Dew' and 'Doritos'. Yes, Mountain Dew Doritos are an actual thing (insert 'face palm emoji').JaxJax
Retro 1986 Mountain Dew Video Shows How Gnarly Wyoming WasRetro 1986 Mountain Dew Video Shows How Gnarly Wyoming WasWyoming was so rad back in the day. If you don't believe me, check out this Mountain Dew video that was filmed here back in 1986.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday