The Laramie County Sheriff's Office is urging folks in northeast Cheyenne to use caution after a mountain lion was reportedly spotted near King Soopers.
Are you gearing up for Wyoming hunting season? Be sure to plan ahead and stay alert - you never know what you'll encounter in the wild! A recent video captures a rare moment of a mountain lion chasing and catching an elk calf.
When the big kitty cat wants to lay down and take a nap, who's going to tell it no?
That's like when you're trying to type and your house cat has other ideas and lies on your keyboard.
There is some unwritten law that says if a cat lays down on your lap, you're stuck until the cat decides to get up. You...
If you feel like someone is always watching you, you're probably just paranoid. Or, you could be like this family who learned they were watching TV and a mountain lion was just outside their window doing the same.
I get ridiculed whenever I claim that skunks are deadly, but I've yet to see any predator have any success trying to take one down. This video is another example of my deadly skunk theory as one of these little titans showed a cougar who's boss.
A trail camera recently caught an incredible in action shot displaying the strength, power and grace of one of Colorado's biggest predators, a mountain lion.