The results of program reviews currently underway will be given the most weight in determining which academic programs and positions will be eliminated.
Warning: Heavy snark factor ahead.
While American schools continue the reckless practice of cap tossing, one university bans mortarboard-throwing at graduation after some students were hurt by falling hats in recent years. Calling it an ‘unacceptable risk...
The National Institutes of Health has awarded the state of Wyoming a $17.4 million grant that will be given to the University of Wyoming as the lead institution. The grant will fund biomedical education and research in Wyoming.
This five-year grant will go to the Wyoming IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) program for projects centered on the health issues that matter to rural
The 2015 University Homecoming theme is “Once a Cowboy, Always a Cowboy.” Homecoming week began on Saturday with The Big Event, where University students volunteered throughout the Laramie community.
Public activities will begin on Wednesday, Oct...
Links to the University of Wyoming’s WyoCast system have been established for people to view public presentations for all three finalists for the position of dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science.