Break Out the Ugly Sweaters for The Alibi’s X-Mas Party
Break out the ugliest of sweaters to check out the new look at the Alibi Pub for their Ugly Sweater Party on December 7th! Not only will you be able to experience the finished construction on the building, but you'll also be able to get in for prizes for the ugliest sweaters and even holiday-themed drinks.
I know that the whole Ugly Sweater thing has gotten rather mainstream lately, with even Walmart getting in on the act, but there's nothing quite like a sweater you tried (and failed) to make yourself, or a well-meaning sweater from a distant family member.
Get cozy, enjoy cocktails, and get ready to see Moral Panic play at 7pm. I think a mosh pit would be ill-advised though, what with all that wool and polyester...