Don Cheadle, the actor who portrays War Machine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has confirmed that his character “shows up” in the upcoming Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The show, created by Malcom Spellman, will see Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan returning to their roles of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes.

In an interview with BroBible’s Post-Credit Podcast, Cheadle shared his excitement for War Machine's upcoming spinoff series, Armor Wars. He also revealed that Rhodey would be appearing on the small screen before then. "It’s really a fun and interesting and, by all imagination, completely open-ended — this can go anywhere. It’s great, I can’t wait to get in the room with the writers and figure out how all those things happen,” stated Cheadle. “You know, Rhodey shows up in Winter Soldier and Falcon’s show. So, it can be a lot.”

Indeed, it can be a lot. Keeping track of character arcs as they span multiple movies and television series can be daunting, and it’s only going to get more complex with the rollout of Phase Four. But Cheadle embraces the challenge. “That’s some of the fun of the MCU, that we all get to show up in each other’s stories, and there are ways that we’re cross-platforming these characters, and they become storylines, sometimes, in the movies,” he said. “And then these storylines in the movies become storylines in the shows.”

We still don’t know how big of a role War Machine will play in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Still, it’s cool that he'll at least show up for a cameo. Rhodey and Sam struck up a small alliance in Avengers: Infinity War, so perhaps we’ll get to see their friendship fleshed out more. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier arrives on Disney+ this March.

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