Interfaith Collecting Donations For Holiday Meals
Tis the season to think of your fellow man and give generously. Interfaith Good Samaritan is organizing their annual Holiday Meal drives to make sure that even the less-fortunate members of the Laramie community will be able to enjoy a hot meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
An all-day food drive will be held at Safeway and Ridley's in Laramie on November 14th where volunteers will hand out shopping lists of the items they need the most so you can add one or two to your shopping basket. If you are in need of a hot meal this holiday season, visit Interfaith before November 15th to apply.
The same will happen in December for Christmas dinners as well. In the meantime, you can always donate funds to Interfaith Good Samaritan or stop by their new location at 712 East Canby St. (Right next to Labonte Park) and drop off donations whenever they are open.