WATCH: Bears Have Figured Out Garage Doors
The 3 bear videos below will take away all hope.
If I end up writing a story about somebody coming home to find a bear in their kitchen, cooking dinner, we are all totally screwed.
We've shown you bears opening car doors.
They have figured out that they can just walk into grocery stores and take what they want.
The doors to your house don't mean a thing to them. They just kick it in.
That apparently includes the garage door.
In the first video you can hear the family yelling at the bear. But Mr. Bear does not care.
He can smell that trash can.
All he has to do is figure out how to get to it.
At some point, he finds out that he can lift the door.
Make a mental note. Lock your garage door.
In the next video, you'll see a bear who understands garage doors all too well.
You'll also notice that the owner of this house has a lot of CRAP in his garage.
Seriously, what a slob.
The owner of the house is in his car yelling, "HEY! NO DUDE! NO!"
Dude? He's calling the bear DUDE?
Well, the bear does not care.
Honking the horn at the bear doesn't seem to help either.
But the bear does not find a trash can. Just a lot of paint and chemicals.
How disappointing.
This last one will really freak you out.
This bear cub is trapped in a garage.
It's hanging from the tracks, trying to figure out how to get out.
Then mama bear shows up, opens the door, and instructs the cub on what to do.
The cub uses a ladder to get down and follows mama out.
Honestly, these bears are getting way too smart.