What Are Wyoming’s Highest Paying Jobs?
With High School graduations happening or already over with, it's probably not a bad idea for someone trying to figure out what they want to be when they grow up(I'm still trying to figure this out at 35). The website Zippia is trying to help out with this by doing the dirty work(kind of) and dragging data from the Wyoming state government websites on the top-paying jobs in Wyoming.
If you're wondering what field comes out at the top? It's the medical field across the board, and it's not close. I figured there'd be some killer energy jobs mixed in there, which, engineers do well in the Cowboy State, but not medical professional well. I'm glad their pay is well, we wouldn't want less than awesome doctors giving us medical attention.
Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs In Wyoming
- Surgeons
- General Internal Medicine Physicians
- Physicians
- Nurse Anesthetists
- Family Medicine Physicians
- Pediatricians
- Dentists
- Sales Managers
- Industrial Production Managers
- Sales Representatives

These are pretty cut and dry, though, we do see industrial production managers, so that's a little more typical Wyoming. Looking down the list of occupations, I was somewhat surprised that Lawyers were as low as they were. You have to scroll to number 27 to find attorneys on this list. IT managers actually placed just above lawyers.
The options are endless for recent high school grads and others to move up in their life and careers, but if you want to make the big bucks in Wyoming, it looks like the medical field is a decent landing point.
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