Wyoming Highway Patrol Reports No Fatal Crashes Over St. Patrick’s Day Weekend
'Tis a rare report that reports nothing happened.
From March 17 through March 19 -- the St. Patrick's Day weekend -- the Wyoming Highway Patrol investigated zero, nada, none, nix fatal crashes.
Even so, troopers were busy, according to a news release from Patrol Lt. David Wagener.
Troopers focused on identifying impaired drivers and other violations that affect highway safety such as non-use of child and occupant restraints, speeding, and other moving violations.
They conducted 1,139 traffic stops, and arrested 17 impaired drivers.
Troopers also issued 443 citations for speeding and 65 citations for seat belt violations.
Dispatchers also stayed busy, too.
They dispatched 1,862 events and fielded 1,901 phone calls over the holiday weekend.
Forty-three of those calls were for REDDI (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) reports from concerned citizens.
The Highway Patrol paid for the overtime with a federal highway safety grant to increase law enforcement presence.