Cheyenne Drives Up Traffic School Fee
The Cheyenne City Council voted 8 to 2 Monday night to raise the administrative fee for the Municipal Court's traffic school from $25 to $50.
The last time the traffic school fee was increased was in 2004, when it was raised from $10 to $25.
"There is a 10-step process that the court uses to go ahead and conduct the school," said Municipal Judge Mark Moran. "We're not attempting to do anything other than contain the cost of conducting the program."
The school isn't mandatory, but it does allow drivers who commit minor traffic infractions to take a class instead of paying a ticket that ends up on their record.
"The purpose of the program is to help people with a perishable skill," said Moran. "Driving is one of those skills that we all acquire and we all loose over time."
Moran added, "Certain minor traffic offenders, not involving alcohol or accidents, are allowed to go to the driving school once every two years to go ahead and have a moment or two to think about new laws, new developments and new ideas about being safer and more polite drivers."
Council members Bryan Cook and Dr. Mark Rinne cast the two "no" votes.
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