Hunters Should Watch Out For Wyoming Mountain Snow This Weekend
This has been a nice fall in Wyoming.
Then again, it was a wonderful spring and summer.
Have you noticed, it's still green out there?
This weekend, Friday, September 22nd, and Saturday, September 23rd, things will get a tad wetter for some of the state.
Colder weather will bring snow to Wyoming's highest elevations
Hunters and high-elevation campers, be advised.
For those of us down in the lowlands looking up, we will be able to enjoy the sight of snow-capped mountains.
Who doesn't love that?
Listen to the entire forecast in Don Day's daily report, below.
Temperatures for the weekend will drop across the state.
But nothing that would be considered unreasonable.
After this weekend temperatures will rise again, back into the 70s and low 80s for most of Wyoming.
The map below shows where this weekend's snow is predicted to fall.
The Beartooth Mountains, the Absorkas, and the Bighorns will see the bulk of the snow.
The majority of the snow will be above 9000 feet.
Expect lighter snow lower than that but maybe just a dusting.
Lower elevations will get some rain.
The northwestern part of the state will get most of the action.
Get those mountain activities out of the way while you can.
This great weather can't hold out forever.
At some point, we will enter true Wyoming fall, windy weather, and then comes winter.
Winter will not be as bad as last winter, but it will not be mild either.
Look for winter updates and predictions as we get closer to that season.
Right now there is a lot of guessing going on based on past trends.