Laramie’s Naughty Pines Derby Dames Duel This Weekend
The roller derby season is now in full swing with Laramie's Naught Pines Derby Dames winning their first bout against Gillette's Powder River Rousta Bout It Betties in their first bout of the season a few weeks ago. This next weekend on Saturday, May 12th at 7:00 PM, the Derby Dames are back in action holding their "MayDay Mayhem" bout at the Laramie Ice & Events Center.
They will be playing an intra-league roller derby bout between their two home teams, the Bad Aspens and the Wicked WYldflowers. Tickets will be available for $10 at Atmosphere Mountainworks and Kum & Go, or you can also buy them online before the bout. Tickets at the door are $12 each, and children under 7 years of age get in FREE!
If you have never been to a roller derby bout before, you might want to take a look at our earlier story explaining the rules of the game before you head to this weekend's bout. Roller derby has a rich past and is currently in a state of revival in Wyoming, with much credit for the resurgence going to the Naughty Pines Derby Dames.
One other great reason to come out and support the Derby Dames this weekend comes from their spirit for community service. It seems like everywhere you look, these women are out and about making a positive difference right her in Laramie; you can see some of what they have done recently on their website. For this particular bout, the team will be partnering with the Laramie Animal Shelter Foundation as they square off to promote the importance of spaying/neutering your pets to stop the population growth of unwanted/surrendered dogs and cats. Help support the Derby Dames by getting out to cheer them on this weekend!