Masquerade Ball Held Day After Halloween
Tickets are still available for an elegant masquerade ball set for Saturday, November 1st. The Masquerade Ball will take place at the Laramie Elks Lodge located at 103 South Second Street. The ball starts at 7 p.m. and will include dancing, cash bar, music, raffles, photos,a grand march and a costume contest.
The event is hosted by the Zonta Club of Laramie. It will be Zonta's major fund raising event of the year with all proceeds from the Ball either funding scholarships for local recipients or being donated to Laramie charities such as CLIMB Wyoming, Interfaith Good Samaritan, the Downtown Clinic, Laramie Reproductive Health, and the SAFE Project.
Masks will be on sale at the door for those who do not have their own. People can choose to dress in costume or dress up for the event.
Tickets are $40 per person and $75 for couples. Tickets may at the Ivinson Mansion or First Interstate Bank. For more information or to become a sponsor, call 307-761-0202 or visit