Teens Cleaning Up Litter For New Social Media Challenge #trashtag
After previously covering some of the really dumb challenges that have spread through social media in the past, finally there's a breath of fresh air. Teens are now banding together for the most recent social media challenge: #trashtag. The concept is simple; find a place that is overrun with litter and take a photo. Then, share the after photo after you pick up and bag the litter to be disposed of. It all started with this photo:
Now, the challenge has spread, trending on both Twitter and Instagram as the challenge has been accepted across the country, and even into the wilder world. Thousands of people are posting their before and afters using #trashtag, though I've yet to see any specifically from Wyoming!
Let's fix that. This is a direct challenge to any students or teens in Wyoming. E-mail me a link to your #trashtag challenge post on either twitter, facebook, or instagram. Let's get this trending in the Cowboy State, and highlight good deeds coming from social media.