TikToker Feels The Way We Do About The Midway During Cheyenne Frontier Days
I know it's October, but just thinking about the Daddy Of Em' All back in July, how great was that? I know a lot of people are tired of it halfway through, but I think we all really enjoyed it overall this past year. I saw two awesome concerts that gave me a great memory of the 125th edition of the festival. They really did outdo themselves and we all wanted it after the cancellation of the festival the previous year.
But, it's not just the night shows, or the rodeos(I'm a poet and didn't know it). There's a whole midway that just begs to be sought out. It has everything you want, food-wise, so that's a whole other reason to enjoy the pride of Cheyenne.
A TikToker apparently made his way to Cheyenne for CFD this past year and he made a video of himself really feeling the midway. I know all too well that we all feel the way he does. Check it out.

The tears! The tears are so real. I felt it. He must have gotten to Frontier Park pretty early for those lines to be as low as they were, though. But, every time, I had the same feeling. Just think pulled pork, pork tenderloins, bread fry, funnel cake, and let's not forget lemon shakeups. Those tears are well deserved.
I know we like to jest at tourists coming to check out CFD, but I think this guy hit the feels just right for the midway. July can't come soon enough.
READ MORE: 13 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Acts Have Played Cheyenne Frontier Days
Frontier Days FLASHBACK: Nickelback Rocks In The Rain
FLASHBACK: History Of Cheyenne Frontier Days Parades
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