Wyoming Named One Of The Most Stressed-Out States
Many things in your life can be stressful. Work, family, money, or even just being anxious about the future. Engaging Data recently took a look at the stress levels of each state in the US, and found that some states are fine in some stressors, but definitely not okay for others.
As far as Family stress goes, Wyoming is just fine, sitting at number 45 out of the 50 states in terms of family-related stress levels. The most stressed state for families was Nevada. Next, for stress about money and finances, Wyoming is even better off in 47th place for most stressed about money. Number one was Mississippi.
For health and safety, Wyoming ranks a little higher, at 27th place, while our neighbors to the south in Colorado are ranked towards the very bottom. But where does Wyoming find its status as most stressed out?
According to the data site: Work Stress is calculated from data on work hours, commute times, job security, unemployment rate, income growth, and other metrics. Wyoming is the second most stressed-out state about work, only losing the top spot to Alaska. With dangerous jobs and long hours, as well as limited industries to go into in the Cowboy State, that number might not be all that surprising.
Are you stressed out about work? Let us know in the comments.
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