Is Wyoming A Gambling Addicted State?
Now, Wyoming sure isn't Nevada, you're not going to drive through the state and pop into a gas station with slot machines. We're also not really home to more than the usual Casino on the reservation amid a few horse racing locations. I mean, if you ARE looking to play some cards or bet on the ponies, it's not really hard to find it, at least in Cheyenne. We also just got mobile sports gambling within the last year as well.
But would these things make Wyoming a gambling-addicted state?
I wouldn't think so, but if you look at the stats from the website Wallethub, you might think otherwise. According to Wallethub, Wyoming is the 15th most gambling-addicted state in the country. I find that somewhat hard to believe. Taking a look at the stats, we aren't close to showing up as a top gambling state. We at least didn't show up in the top 5 of anything.
What I'm thinking, with the stats that they're showing, we should really just be tied for the middle of the pack. I mean, if you look at the bottom 5 of everything, almost all of the states that are on the lower half are tied for 42nd. That's because those states have zero legalized gambling. I'm guessing we're just being punished for the small amounts of gambling you can do in Wyoming.
All of this data is showing up just in time for the Kentucky Derby. Speaking of Kentucky, they showed up on the bottom half of everything gambling except for, I know you can guess this one, HORSE RACING.
So, are we gambling addicts? Not really. Did we show up higher than we should on an arbitrary list? Yeah.