What Should Take Over The Old K-Mart Building? [POLL]
We've had Planet Fitness move in where Hastings once stood, Wyoming Downs where Shari's used to serve pie, and the next vacant building needing to be filled is in the same area of town. K-Mart in Laramie closed it's doors forever at the beginning of the month, and with the new construction on the Harney Street Bridge being completed, that building just might become prime real estate for a business looking to expand into Laramie.
So, what do you think Laradise needs? More retail options? Recreation? Maybe another grocery store, or a specialty store for hunters and fisherman? Let us know in the poll below what you think should be there, and be sure to comment what your wish-list is for new Laramie business.
The Laramie Chamber Business Alliance has a handy website detailing all of the reasons a business may want to move to Laramie.