Disabled Second Grader Kept Apart from Fellow Students in Class Photo
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, this one is worth more because it has a lot of people talking.
A photo of a second grade class in Herbert Spencer Elementary School in British Columbia, Canada, has raised eyebrows because of a disabled student noticeably kept apart from his fellow classmates in the shot.
Miles Ambridge, who suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, is off to the right, while the rest of his classmates are seated together tightly. Miles' father, Don, said seeing the photo "broke my heart."
Don wrote an angry letter to the school saying how offended he was, but he didn't file any claims of discrimination because he doesn't think that's the case.
"For me, discrimination is a willful exclusion of somebody. I don't believe that’s a case here in any way, shape or form. I think what it is, is just a circumstantial lack of awareness that resulted in a really emotionally tragic output."
To its credit, the school acted quickly and made plans to take a new, more appropriate picture.
Don isn't surprised this happened, because the school has done a great job taking care of his needs. What do you think? Is this a case of discrimination or just a simple mistake on the school's part?