Freedom’s Edge in Cheyenne Has Beer, Events, & More in February
As Valentine's Day approaches, all sorts of establishments will have their own events and promotions happening this month. Freedom's Edge Brewing Company in downtown Cheyenne has their own packed full slate of things to come this month.
Today (February 1st) marked the one-year anniversary for Joel Emerick and Eric Kilmer as owners of Freedom's Edge Brewing Company and they are looking full speed ahead at a month full of events they have on tap (pun intended). Such upcoming events are listed as follows:
- Feb. 8 - Painting & Pints with Flydragon Design Art Studio
- Feb. 9 - We Drink & We Know Things (trivia)
- Feb. 11 - Cheyenne Art Walk with Sarah Wadas
- Feb. 13 - Puppy Love: A Date With Your Dog (proceeds benefit Cheyenne Animal Shelter)
- Feb. 15 - Will Read For Beer - FEBC Book Club
- Feb. 17 - Cards Against Humanity
- Feb. 20 - Freedom's Edge Mutilversary Celebration!
- Feb. 21 - Detox Retox with Little Lotus Yoga
The 'Multiversary Celebration' is certain to be a blast as Freedom's Edge will not only celebrate the one-year anniversary of the aforementioned ownership, but also the past nine years of serving the Cheyenne community. The finals details for the celebration are still being brewed, but there's definitely been mention of food served up by Los Conejos of Micro-Pop Up, beer infused cupcakes provided by Rachel Anne's Cupcakery, and a birthday brew to be served in the taproom.
According to the Freedom's Edge website, they currently are serving the following on tap:
- This Is the Milky Way (Stout)
- Rose's Red Lager
- Street Weiss (Dunkelweizen)
- Wild Bliss Cream Ale
- Java Jolt Coffee Amber
- High Noon Chili Ale
- 1890 IPA
Each and every month, there's always something brewing (again, pun intended) at Freedom's Edge. Stop in and grab a cold one from them at 1509 Pioneer Ave in downtown Cheyenne. You'll likely want to stay awhile! Please drink responsibly!

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