Law Enforcement Teams Up to Combat Border War Impaired Driving
Wyoming and Colorado Law Enforcement are teaming up to address the increased traffic and potential impaired drivers as fans travel to and from the Border War football game this Saturday, Nov. 4 between the University of Wyoming and the Colorado State University Rams.
Wyoming Department of Transportation Spokesman Matt Murphy said travelers on U.S Highway 287, Interstate 25 and 80 can expect to see an increased number of patrols from Colorado and Wyoming on the road as part of the multi-state, multi-agency impaired driving enforcement operation.
“They can expect to see patrols on the road monitoring traffic and keeping an eye out for impaired drivers,” Murphy said. “There will be, I believe, a DUI enforcement vehicle on 287.”
WYDOT Law Enforcement Liaison Pete Abrams said the effort will span Albany and Laramie counties in Wyoming as well as Larmier County in Colorado.
“This event is a big deal for traffic for the triangle between Fort Collins, Cheyenne and Laramie,” Abrams said. “And often when people attend events like this people consume alcohol after the game.”
Abrams said that after last year’s Border War game, there were 11 DUI’s issued after the game on I-80, I-25 and HWY 287.
“That is far too many,” Abrams said. ““We like to get the message out about this beforehand so people know we have increased enforcement, so we can hopefully prevent impaired driving.”
Abrams said that the Border War game day is one of the busiest days of the year for HWY 287.
Wyoming agencies involved include the Wyoming Highway Patrol, Laramie Police Department, Albany County Sheriff’s Office, UW Police Department, Laramie County Sheriff’s Office, Cheyenne Police Department and Wyoming State Parks.
Agencies involved in Colorado include the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, Fort Collins Police Department, Loveland Police Department, CSU Police Department, Estes Park Police Department and the Colorado State Patrol.
The WHP is encouraging drivers to report impaired driving by calling the Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately, or REDDI hotline number at 1-800-442-9090.
According to the Wyoming Highway patrol, there have been 114 fatalities on Wyoming roads in 2017 compared to 98 a year ago.
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