Mark Erramouspe Joins the Wyoming Legion Baseball Hall of Fame
The Wyoming American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame welcomed one new member on Wednesday, as umpire Mark Erramouspe was inducted.
At the opening ceremonies of the Class ‘AA’ Legion Baseball State Tournament, Erramouspe was honored in front of a big crowd and presented a plaque at the Paul J. Wataha Recreation Area.
Erramouspe is a lifelong resident of Rock Springs. He began umpiring when he was 13-years-old. Mark has worked at various levels throughout his career, including the Pioneer League, the Texas League, and the ‘AA’ Eastern League. Erramouspe even worked in the ‘AAA’ Pacific Coast League.
He’s worked for the past 12 years in Wyoming American Legion Baseball and that includes serving as the State Umpire-in-Chief the last three years. Erramouspe has umpired five Class ‘AA’ State Tournaments and two Regional Tournaments.
For more on the Wyoming American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame or how to nominate someone, visit

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