Wyoming Vs. Wyomin’
Do you live in Wyoming or Wyomin'? Geographically the same place, but two completely different states of mind.
Here's a few examples...
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How You View The Terrain
Wyoming: You've thought to yourself, "this landscape is majestic and beautiful."
Wyomin': You've thought to yourself "this is prime mud boggin' country."
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What Does Your Backyard Look Like?
Wyoming: Your backyard may have a deck, fire pit, and a shed.
Wyomin': Your backyard may have a couple vehicles you're working on and a deer stand.
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How You Dress Yourself
Wyoming: You pick your outfit based on what the weather is doing and what kind of activity you have planned.
Wyomin': You can't decide between your Bud Light sleeveless shirt and your Coors Light sleeveless shirt.
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Going Out To Dinner
Wyoming: Hitting up one of Wyoming's best restaurants, likely a steakhouse.
Wyomin': Hitting up your buddy's grill after just returning from their latest hunting trip.
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Your Love For The State
Wyoming: You have a great love and appreciation for the state.
Wyomin': You have a great love and appreciation for the state, and when asked about it you reply loudly "Hell Yeah I'm From Wyomin!'